G O L W G - Y - G W E N Y N
Beeview Farm (Golwg-Y-Gwenyn) is what happens when you spontaneously decide to spend your deposit for a house on some muddy Welsh fields instead. We wanted freedom rather than debt slavery so we left the path of least resistance and bought some land, applied for planning permission (using the Welsh Government's unique 'One Planet Development' planning policy) and built a new life on a coastal mountain out of scrapheap junk and IBC tanks. I guess we wanted to be less reliant on the insatiable capitalist Moshpit of Doom, but we wouldn't call ourselves preppers as such. We don't really trust polititcians (or the people who elect them), but we don't have a nuclear bunker, matching camouflage pyjamas and 5 tonnes of dehydrated bolognese either and I think they're mandatory. We are totally off-grid though, so maybe we are preppers. We're not really sure. We just want to feel free so we'd probably call ourselves humble freedom fighters if we were pushed. Or maybe, if we were really pushed, Proud Shining (Occassionally Fallible) Warriors Against the Tyrannical Western Capitalist Slavery Matrix and the Evil Forces of Exponential Competitive Consumption (PS(OF)WATWCSMEFECC for short).
We offer guided tours of the farm for those who wish to learn more about how we live and why (£50/group). Please message uis for more details. (Drone pictures courtesy of Dragon UAV Aerial Photo and Video -https://dragonuav.co.uk/)