We elected Billy as the official Beeview Farm Press Officer at this years AGM which, in retrospect, may have been a mistake. He doesn't actually have a phone or an email address yet for example, or sentences longer than three words, or much interest in anything other than "ractors", "di'saurs" and "fader" from "dar wars". He is keen to work with the media on these subjects, but for all other enquiries it's probably best to use the contact form or get in touch through our facebook/instagram page. We are definitely keen to show people what One Planet Developments are all about and have already worked with several online, print, radio and television outlets on this subject (see below). We can also write light-hearted articles for publication about our solutions and experiences as well (see the Netmums article below).
Please hover and click on the logos below for more information.
(NB - Some of these articles contain errors that are beyond our control. Elsa is not 10 for example. This will be accurate in 2024, but right now she's still 5.)